Following in former Rep. Hagedorn’s footsteps, “our” Rep. Brad Finstad has taken another dive off the deep end, and signed on to an Amicus Brief arguing that the 14th Amendment does not restrict tRump from running again, from holding office again. I’ve check his official “Rep.” page, and his fb page, and he’s not bragging about this, or another view, he’s not letting us know!

Look at this, “America First Legal Foundation,” though not counsel of record:

URP! These “America First” yahoos, do people not know what “America First” means?

America First today

Steve Miller?? Gag me with a maggot:

And back to the Amicus Brief. It’s not only “our” Rep. Finstad, but also Minnesota Reps. Emmer, Fischbach, and Stauber who signed on.

They are NOT representing many of us in the 1st Congressional District or Minnesota.

Let “our” Rep. Finstad know if you care about this:

Or you can send missive via his contact page: CONTACT REP. BRAD FINSTAD

Got a pissive from American Transmission Company (ATC) — apparently it objects to World Organization for Landowner Freedom’s (WOLF)_Petition-for-Intervention in the Minnesota PowerHVDC Modernization” docket (Public Utilities Commission dockets E015/CN-22-607 and E015/TL-22-611).

Here’s ATC‘s Objection:

And here’s World Organization of Landowner Freedom’s response, filed this afternoon:

Take that, American Transmission Company! I clearly remember how nasty they were during the Arrowhead-Weston projects, years of hearing their arguments that were so twisted. I wish I still had the 12 or more boxes from that project, Minnesota and Wisconsin dockets, stretching from 1999 to 2005.

In Minnesota, the issue was whether the project should be exempt from the Power Plant Siting Act. W.O.L.F. was the only intervenor to take it to the MN Court of Appeals, and we lost, went down in flames.

The Wisconsin hearing (05-CE-113) starting in January 2000, or was it 2001… anyway, learning the technical aspects of transmission was intense, so much so that my brain hurt.

But back to ATC’s Objection to W.O.L.F.’s Intervention… Later this afternoon, Minnesota Power filed stating it had no objection to W.O.L.F.’s Intervention, and no objection to LIUNA’s (union group) late-filed Petition for Intervention, noting they’d been participating all along:

Well, that’s good! Now, onward! Any time now, the Administrative Law Judge Mortenson can decide on Intervention.

Here’s the schedule from the Prehearing Order:

Time to get some Information Requests ready to file!

Diablo Canyon?!?! Great, just great…

And on that note, here’s a copy of the Data Practices Act Request sent to DNR yesterday about the October 19, 2023 shutdown of Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant and the subsequent freezing over of the Mississippi River:

I know I’ve been preoccupied, struggling to keep up and not doing a very good job of it, but how did I not know that the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant was shut down for the winter and the river has completely frozen over?? Granted this is proof positive that we don’t “NEED” this generation, but what does it mean for the river and those dependent on that open water? Fish, eagles, other wildlife??? Maybe the plant closure is why the 2024 nuclear notice came out late (no calendar)?

That’s from MPR on November 22, 2023 about this shutdown on October 19, 2023, over a month later:

Electrical trouble shuts down Prairie Island reactor

Odd, it took the STrib that long too, November 22, 2023. Guess Xcel belatedly sent out a press release?

Xcel’s Prairie Island nuclear plant will be out of commission until January

So something between generator and substation? Something similar may have happened to Unit 2 last May:

Nuclear reactor at Xcel’s Prairie Island plant remains offline after ‘unusual event’ reported Saturday

Turned out it wasn’t “just” a transformer — there was a problem with the “main feed water pump” that had to be fixed too: “The licensee determined that the fire alarms were caused by the electrical transient which occurred due to the fault on the Unit 2 main transformer” and then:

From NRC reports:

And here’s the Notification:

More info needed. It’s a cold winter Sunday, good for googling.

Here we go, World Organization for Landowner Freedom is BAAAACK!

Here we go!