Hot off the press — Freeborn Wind files Motion to exclude the letter of MPCA’s Frank Kohlasch regarding noise regulation:

20189-146448-02_Motion to Exclude Untimely Filing of Frank Kohlasch

20189-146448-01 Cover Aff of Service Service List

After the Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge came out recommending denial of the site permit, they were “alarmed.”  Now what are they?  Read that Motion!!!

Here’s the “Frank Kohlasch letter” they’re so afraid of:

Letter from MPCA’s Frank Kohlasch_20189-146351-01

On Thursday, the Freeborn Wind siting docket (17-410) and transmission docket (17-322) are before the Public Utilities Commission.  The meeting starts at 9:30, and starting not earlier than 10:30 is wind rulemaking, followed by Freeborn Wind siting and transmission.  You can watch it here, and $50 says it’ll have high ratings!

Live Webcast

To check out the dockets, where everything but the hearing transcript is public, go to eDockets and search for docket 17 (year) – 410 for the siting docket.  For the transmission docket, search for 17 (year) 322.  BOTH are up on Thursday.

And before the Freeborn dockets is the much awaited wind rulemaking docket, where I filed a Petition for Rulemaking on behalf of Goodhue Wind Truth.  Here’s the background info from a couple weeks ago:

Today’s Wind Rulemaking Comments

I’ve been working for years to get rulemaking going, love to bang my head against the wall.  But it’s “working within the system” and it’s all we’ve got.  And yes, it is a good way to get the process engineered more favorably to people on the ground!  To view the docket, go to eDockets and search for docket 18 (year) – 518.


In July, Goodhue Wind Truth filed a rulemaking petition at the Public Utilities Commission, to spur a close look at the wind siting rules:

Just Filed – Petition for Wind Siting Rulemaking

WHEW!  Got over the hurdle!  Goodhue Wind Truth’s Petition for Rulemaking for Wind Siting, Minn. R. Ch. 7854, has been accepted by the Public Utilities Commission.  But even better, Notice came out today of a Comment Period:

Here’s the full notice:

Notice of Comment Period – 20188-145500-01

Now’s the time to get this rulemaking moving, it’s only 23 years overdue!

WOW!  Who knew this many people would turn out, well, after all, it is Association of Freeborn County Landowners, talk about an active, thriving bunch!  What an incredible job of organizing, lining up live auction donations, oh, and making pudding shots… ja, I’m an old fart, jello shots bring back memories, but pudding? This group has shown up, and worked together to be heard — each and every one of you has made the difference in this groundbreaking challenge to Freeborn Wind’s application.  Keep up the good work!  And thank you!!!

And of course, the satellite office:

This morning, pelicans on the lake!  How cool is that!  This is the view out the office window:

And it took 2+ years, but I think I’ve finally got the camper kitchen figured out.  Before last trip added the Camp Chef stove, and this trip, added a table for the stove, and Alan made leg extensions for the prep table, and voila, a workable kitchen! Everything in its place and a place for everything.

p.s. phone signal is great!

dBA means what?

July 3rd, 2018

 In the “ummmmmmmmmmm… really?” and “thank Dog for fb” category:


May 27

Thank God for a light breeze tonight on the farm… it’s a life saver in this heat! — in Hartland, Minnesota.