9:30 a.m. Wednesday November 9, 2022

3rd Floor Large Meeting Room

Public Utilities Commission

121 – 7th Place East, St. Paul

Literacy and numeracy in U.S.

November 2nd, 2022


Here’s the study and lots of options to scout around and dig:

PIAAC Skills Map

In our current state House district 21A (soon to change to 20A):

The other half of the district, 21B:

And combine the two for state Senate district:

There is a definite correlation between “skill levels” and red, blue, and purple areas.

City of Red Wing 2023 Budget

October 26th, 2022

It’s that time of year again…

Lots to review, the budget is no small thing! This is the City’s Budget page, which will be updated before and after meetings:

2023 Budget Planning

From the August 29, 2022 meeting, primary docs:

Purpose of the August 29, 2022, City Council Budget Workshop
The purpose of the budget workshop is to further discuss the 2023 levy and review Special Revenue funds.

Other primary documents for consideration:

  1. Budget Overview (PDF)
  2. 2019 10-Year Strategic Plan with Council top priorities highlighted (PDF)