Our solar on a cloudy day

November 15th, 2019

Is this cool or what?!?!?!

We can’t figure out what those big short spikes are, toaster was only used once. Furnace blower is the flat spikes every 20-30 minutes or so. What is it???

Later in the day, the sun came out, although this time of year, we’re below the bluff so it’s not direct:

That little spike mid-day was my little space heater here in the office, which I turned on for a minute or two to see what it looked like. I don’t know what that later spike was. And now the sun is way below the bluff, headed down. This looks pretty good considering that this is not an ideal location for solar.

PJM’s 3Q State of the Market

November 14th, 2019

Here ’tis:

And dig this, from Introduction, p. 3, seems PJM is attempting to manipulate the market, and that’s not flying with Market Analytics, the entity that does the State of the Market reports:

… and this, also p. 3, decreasing revenues is putting it mildly:

This report bears reading, I know, in spare time, but this is REAL NEWS!

With all this talk of Ukraine, and tRump going on and on about Hunter Biden and natural gas in Ukraine, isn’t a bit odd that there’s no talk of tRump and his administration’s dealings in natural gas in Ukraine?

Why has this been buried? Isn’t this the main reason for the Hunter Biden flap?

Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal

From the article:

But the effort to install a friendlier management team at the helm of the gas company, Naftogaz, would soon be taken up with Ukraine’s new president by U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, whose slate of candidates included a fellow Texan who is one of Perry’s past political donors.

It’s unclear if Perry’s attempts to replace board members at Naftogaz were coordinated with the Giuliani allies pushing for a similar outcome, and no one has alleged that there is criminal activity in any of these efforts. And it’s unclear what role, if any, Giuliani had in helping his clients push to get gas sales agreements with the state-owned company.

Trump’s fast-track for LNG by rail collides with LNG projects in Ukraine

And in Forbes on September 30, 2019:

LNG Is The American Aid Ukraine Really Needs

Note tRump’s energy policy isn’t about “independence,” it’s about “DOMINANCE!” Read it here, scroll on down to the very end… LNG!

American Energy Dominance

tRump at Cameron LNG:

This round is for comments on Xcel’s Permit Amendment Request:

Here’s what we (Association of Freeborn County Landowners) filed:

Quite a few comments were filed.

Reply Comments due November 19, 2019, one week from today!

Keystone pipeline shut down!

November 8th, 2019

Keystone XL Pipeline has been shut down by the U.S. Dept. of Transportation after it ruptured and covered part of North Dakota in oil.

Keystone pipeline oil leak

Keystone Pipeline Spill Hardens Landowner Opposition to Proposed Expansion

Well, DOH! Here’s the DOT’s Order:

Bottom line, it’s shut down, with a laundry list of issues to address:

Do note that they’ve only shut down a “segment” of it, the part between the Edinberg Pump Station and the Niagara Pump Station, in North Dakota. Without that segment, however, well, there’s not much happening on the pipeline…