I be bummin’ over having to cancel two long awaited and intensely planned and saved and paid for trips, though clearly Alan’s Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia is even more of a bummer. And the good news is he’s out of the hospital, feeling good, and not wiped out by the treatments, AATRA and arseic treatments that will be ongoing until ? February probably.

The ATRA is just oral meds, and it’s not debilitating, no discomfort, apparently no side effects. Treatment alternates between 2 weeks of daily ATRA at home, and then 2 weeks of daily arsenic at RW Mayo, so we’re going to try camping on an ATRA time, and see how that goes. Then, as we get into the groove, perhaps more, though for sure we can’t afford long trips, the side effects of costs ARE debilitating.

Took the plunge and booked a site.

Haven’t stayed in Frontenac for a LONG time. Site 32, last September:

And spur of the moment over Xmas 2021 in the hybrid, that was a hoot:

Close to home, and short time, should be workable. We shall see…

This week was full of precedent setting/uprooting and life altering decisions of the Supreme Court, including 303 Creative LLC v Elenis, which needs to be tossed out, attorneys need to be disbarred, etc. LYING is NOT OK, specifically prohibited in Court Rules. Good grief…

And only after the fact to we learn that this is a fraud, based on misrepresentations and made-up-claims-emitting-from-what-orifice?

Comments from Plaintiff and the Colorado Attorney General:

From The Guardian:

Key document may be fake in LGBTQ+ rights case before US supreme court

Seems there was no request, the Colorado court was dismissing her claim because there was no basis for it, and suddenly there was a “request.” That alone should have raised suspicion:

The man named in the Supreme Court’s gay rights ruling says he didn’t request a wedding website

Watch as Motions for Sanctions, courts 86ing the decision, and complaints to the bar roll in…

Tune Up Code of Conduct

June 26th, 2023

Click for larger version

Great news from Mayo!

June 17th, 2023

Today’s platelet count hit NORMAL! 135! That’s up from 9, yes, NINE, on admission.

This is such good news, heaving a sigh of relief. When the doctors say Alan is doing “better than expected” this is a most positive spin on that statement!

Here’s the U.S. Department of Justice report on the City of Minneapolis police department in its entirety: