Tsunami fear? Nope, reality!

January 15th, 2022

Warnings for West Coast, see U.S. Tsunami Warning Centers:

… and it’s hit Fukushima!

See simplyinfo.org: Fukushima Daiichi Hit By Tsunami 1.15.2022

From the Department of Justice just now:

Leader of Oath Keepers and 10 Other Individuals Indicted in Federal Court for Seditious Conspiracy and Other Offenses Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

And details – READ THESE:

Download U.S v. Crowl et al.

Download U.S. v. Rhodes et al.

Download U.S. v. Walden

Keep at it, DoJ!

A few weeks ago I’d published notice of the “hearings” for comment on the request to withdraw leasing and a 20 year moratorium — there was a moratorium, but in 2017, the previous administration withdrew that moratorium, that previous administration also renewed the Twin Metals leases. WTAF?!?! So this moratorium request is to go back to where they were, to reinstitute the moratorium, to address the environmental issues they’d started on, and to take a 20 year pause on leasing for extractive exploration. This does not affect existing leases, only new ones.

BLM & USFS Comment Period on Withdrawal of Leasing for Mineral Exploration December 21st, 2021

Comments are due January 19, 2022:

And press release from BLM:

Biden Administration Takes Action to Complete Study of Boundary Waters Area Watershed

They’re hosting zoomies over three days. Yesterday was the first. You supposedly have to register to get the link, though I sent Alan my link and it worked for him. I was #67 for commenting, #67 of 173 who’d requested time to comment, and I did get to comment after nearly THREE HOURS of waiting, and I was one of the last! They shut down the meeting at 4 p.m., leaving about 100 people without an opportunity to comment.

Here are the next two meeting dates, Saturday and Tuesday, and a link to “register” and ask for time to comment — maybe you’ll “win” the lottery as I did? I think odds are better at Treasure Island.

Register for the Meeting on Saturday, January 15, 2022, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., CST at https://blm.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_q9OWw5P3TSuvACoQ2o6gnQ

Register for the Meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., CST at https://blm.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_rs2ueUYaQ-CoRO25s2bLqA

When you register, you’ll get a link to zoom right away, and then you’re notified whether you’ve been selected to make a comment 3 days before the meeting.

Send comments by January 19, 2022 to F. David Radford, Deputy State Director of Geospatial Services, BLM Eastern States Office, RE: Superior National Forest Withdrawal Application, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041, OR via email to BLM_ES_Lands@blm.gov (in subject line, “Superior Nat’l Forest Withdrawal Application). Comments need to be made in the record, blathering on anti-social media does NOT count.

Documents thus far that I could find:


Off-shore wind noise

January 13th, 2022

This came up again today, and studies popped up — if there are important ones not here, please let me know in the comments (with a link!!):

Note how this one sets it up: “Wind farms’ operating companies have increased their interest in noise impact due to resistance from people settling in the proximity of new projects.: See study:

This one is interesting because it specifies use of ISO 18406 (2017) (percussive pile driving), and not ISO 9613-2. Keep a lookout in these studies for ISO methodology, because as we saw with Freeborn Wind, GI/GO — gotta use the right measurement methods and criteria. So check out this article from Acoustics Today:

Balloons v. transmission near Stillwater
(yes, that’s as bad as it looks!)

Every other year, there’s a “Biennial Transmission Projects Report” filed with the state (funny how that works), and here’s the most recent one:

2021 Biennial Transmission Projects Report

And then Comments are due on it… voila!

And the Dept. of Commerce Comments are delightful:

Particularly this part: