june knightly


This is so obscene… killed at demonstration on Saturday, while “volunteering as part of a motorcade group working on traffic and logistics.”

Victim of deadly shooting at Normandale Park identified; witness says shooter fired ‘immediately’ on unarmed group

Also in the Oregonian:

June Knightly, who died in Normandale Park shooting, relished role of protecting Portland demonstrators

June Knightly: Tribute to Protester Shot in Portland

From LGBTQ Missing, Murdered, and Unidentified

A GoFundMe has been created for her and the injured victims: https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-portland “In the wake of tonight’s horrific events that occurred in Portland please donate to help us build funds to cover expenses for our wounded and fallen comrades. These funds will go to the people who were standing in solidarity with Amir Locke and Daunte Wright at the justice for Patrick Kimmons march.

We’ll see if this is correct, stay tuned:

Benjamin Jeffrey Smith AKA Polybun: Accused Portland Mass Shooter

Oregonian has reported he’s the suspect:

Portland man under suspicion in mass shooting fixated on city’s protests, homeless problem, neighbors and family say

Police are calling him a “homeowner” and he is not, no details on how he’s known to them, nothing about his reputation as rabid alt-right gun nut fixated with and spouting off about shooting people, they’re putting a dizzying spin on it, but it’s not going to work. Too many people know about Polybun!


Alleged killer in Portland’s Normandale Park protest shooting identified

Judge’s Order filed that the civil suit against Donald J. Trump WILL go forward.

From the Order:

Plaintiffs’ common and primary claim is that Defendants violated 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1), a provision of a Reconstruction-Era statute known as the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. The Act was aimed at eliminating extralegal violence committed by white supremacist and vigilante groups like the Ku Klux Klan and protecting the civil rights of freedmen and freedwomen secured by the
Fourteenth Amendment. Section 1985(1) is not, however, strictly speaking a civil rights provision; rather, it safeguards federal officials and employees against conspiratorial acts directed at preventing them from performing their duties. It provides:

If two or more persons in any State or Territory conspire to prevent,
by force, intimidation, or threat, any person from accepting or
holding any office, trust, or place of confidence under the United
States, or from discharging any duties thereof; or to induce by like
means any officer of the United States to leave any State, district, or
place, where his duties as an officer are required to be performed, or to injure him in his person or property on account of his lawful
discharge of the duties of his office, or while engaged in the lawful
discharge thereof, or to injure his property so as to molest, interrupt,
hinder, or impede him in the discharge of his official duties.

42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). The statute, in short, proscribes conspiracies that, by means of force, intimidation, or threats, prevent federal officers from discharging their duties or accepting or holding office. A party injured by such a conspiracy can sue any coconspirator to recover damages.
Id. § 1985(3).

Pretty simple… ONWARD!

Minnesota Rep. Jim Hagedorn dies at the age of 59

From the article:

He voted against certifying the 2020 Presidential election, a vote to disenfranchise Minnesotans by denying Minnesota’s election results (and not his own 2020 election results). He should have been tossed out of Congress.

Grant County Solar footprint

Just filed in both Wisconsin dockets, Motion to Rescind the Grant County Solar Certificate of Convenience and Necessity and the Acquisition Orders:

And yesterday, filed in both Wisconsin dockets, Motion to Rescind the Badger Hollow Solar Certificate of Convenience and Necessity and Acquisition Orders:

Why rescind? Because both projects are reliant on long term leases of land, and long term effects easements (waiving all rights related to impacts of the project), which under Wisconsin CONSTITUTION (!) render leases over a term greater than 15 years VOID!

Solar opponents say Wisconsin Constitution bars leases, asks regulator to toss permit application

Just filed – Notice of Motion and Motion to Rescind the Badger Hollow Solar Certificate of Convenience and Necessity and the acquisition docket transferring the project from Invenergy to Madison Gas and Electric and Wisconsin Public Service Corporation.


Well… This is rather amusing… it all started when Frank Jablonski, the Wisconsin attorney who is always on the cutting edge on energy projects (but let’s be frank, we won’t get into your love of nuclear, shall we?!?). Here’s the Motion filed yesterday in the Koshkonong solar project acquisition docket:

The point is that the Wisconsin Constitution prohibits leases on farm land with a term greater than 15 years!

All of these leases for solar and wind are a lot more than that. In the case of Badger Hollow, 25 years, with option for another 25!

And, well, DOH, this provision of the Wisconsin Constitution applies to all these solar and wind dockets.

Are we having fun yet?