Northfield AUAR area within red boundary

Comments on the Xcel/Northfield AUAR are due TOMORROW. Here’s the AUAR:


Send comments to Northfield, and I’d recommend you also send to Xcel and Stantec:

The biggest issue I see is the proposal to allow for building a “technology center” without disclosing details of what’s planned, particularly in large energy load and infrastructure needed to support it, and also the noise that it would generate. Others will have other concerns, likely about the industrial area proposed, with or without the “technology center,” with traffic a likely concern, along 2-lane Hwy. 19 and maybe even through town from Hwy. 3 to Hwy. 19 heading west, not a great route for truck traffic. Would a shortcut around Northfield from Hwy. 3 be needed? And all this happening near the hospital, would there be impacts?


Fani Willis is seeking a trial date within 6 months, and said she intends to try the 19 defendants together. Warrants have been issued and the defendants have until high-noon on Friday to turn themselves in.

Here’s the indictment, and I’m starting to read:

When has a state utility agency, i.e., Minnesota’s PUC or Wisconsin’s PSC, ever been presented with a transmission project proposal it didn’t like and approve??? Oh well, facts don’t matter. Found in the inbox from the Department of Energy:

DOE is now seeking public comment and feedback on the proposed CITAP Program via a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.

It’s “only” 123 pages long…

Comments are due a little more than 45 days from now, as they’re due 45 days from publication, which will be soon. To comment:

Here it is – as Jack Smith strongly suggests, READ IT!


  1. Conspiracy to Defraud the United States 18 U.S.C. 371
  2. Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding – 18 U.S.C. 1512(k)
  3. Obstruction of, and Attempt to Obstruct, an Official Proceeding – 18 U.S.C. 1512(c)(2), 2)
  4. Conspiracy Against Rights – 18 U.S.C. 241

Now, can we please see indictments of co-conspirators 1-6?

And about an hour before this indictment dropped, Alan found this note on his van — I wonder if this guy will read the indictment, all 45 (!) pages of it?!?!

Wanted to see how, if, camping would work as Alan continues treatment for APL (acute promyelocytic leukemia) for months and months. And it’s doable. We probably have to stay close to home “just in case” but in those cycles where he has no IV arsenic infusions, only oral ATRA for 2 weeks, and for those cycles with 2 weeks off, yes, it’s doable!

Sadie was so happy to be in the woods. She LOVES camping, especially because we’re not exactly roughing it.

The Wawona 6 was too big for the tent site, so had to set up in the “driveway,” but that’s good as it was next to electricity. This was NOT roughing it!

And more good news, the new showerhouse/bathroom building is DONE, and it’s BEAUTIFUL, and includes a sink for dishes, so no worries about soap and collecting grey water.

Yes, this is doable. Now, to find a park and site in the next cycle with off time!

On the shore of Lake Michigan, right next to the beach! Yeah, in the next “time off” cycle, that’ll work…