Muller APL Update

September 15th, 2023

Camping in July – it’s doable!

We had good news last week of bone marrow biopsy, showing that the PML-RARa (the mutated bad stuff in bone marrow) is at 0%, ZERO!! NONE! That’s down from 67% on admission, and 5.5% on discharge.

Blood testing is now down to twice a week, and as of yesterday’s blood test, there’s now the first two days straight of “normal” hemoglobin! It’s a trend!

Platelets are stabilizing in normal range after the previous cycle of arsenic (yes, that’s right, IV ARSENIC TRIOXIDE!) and ATRA.

And neutrophils are up again, recovering in this ATRA only stretch from the arsenic IV/ATRA combination, and I expect neuts will be suppressed in October.

How does this treatment work, and why the ups and downs? It’s because the arsenicn IV/ATRA combo is what hits the bone marrow and wipes out that PML-RARa. During and after that 2 weeks of arsenic/ATRA for a bit, everything is suppressed and so after a month of that treatment, there’s a month of recovery with 2 weeks of only ATRA and 2 weeks off everything. This cycle goes back and forth goes on for 8 months, each cycle 28 days. We’re now in cycle 3, ATRA only and 2 weeks off starting next week, then back to arsenic IV/ATRA combo.

The inpatient phase, 5 weeks worth, is called “induction,” which induces remission, and after that there’s a long, but necessary “consolidation” phase, which locks in remission. We’re almost 3 months post discharge, with a week and a half off of treatment right after discharge, and another week off waiting for the biopsy results (the ZERO% good news biopsy) just before the start of this cycle, so now we’re on Cycle 3, and looking now at completion in February or early March. There’s no bone marrow biopsy contemplated until the end of Cycle 8 then, whenever, depending…

ALL of this is GOOD NEWS, the best possible scenario for Acute Promyeletic Leukemia.

On the other hand, Alan’s shedding his skin like a snake! So yeah, a side effect, along with losing some of what hair he has left and a little appetite suppression, both minor impacts, but noticeable.

It’s been a long strange trip since May 19, 2023, and now about half way through treatment, so far successful. Who would have though… but that first bruise caught my attention, and the next day, whew, off to the ER, then by ambulance to Mayo Rochester…

It’s been permitted by Iowa, they have granted a private company the power of eminent domain for the parts of this transmission project that are not using railroad right-of-way!

Here’s a link for the Iowa Utility Board’s Docket No. E-22436 (and from there just click on “Filings:”

Docket Summary for Docket E-22436

And some Legalectric posts going back a ways:

IUB Hearing for Soo Green xmsn – July 11 & 12 February 25th, 2023

Underground DC transmission in the Midwest? March 12th, 2019

And other resources:

Developer proposes a 350-mile underground transmission line to carry wind energy from rural Iowa to Chicago

A July 2018 presentation: 2018_07_26-SOO-Green-HVDC-Link-overview–Trey-Ward

SOO Green Renewable Rail – A Wind Energy Delivery Project – Joseph DeVito

In the Red Wing bEagle’s weekend paper:

Click for larger version!

My head is going to explode… they’re trying again to expand geographic areas branded “National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors” and Designation of NIETCs with expanded criteria triggering the opening for the feds to grab that permitting authority. They call it a Transmission Facilitation Program. Their dreams of transmission are based on the DOE’s National Transmission Needs Study. Compare that with the most recent NERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment. The DOE is for some reason not relying much on the “NERC Report.”

And along with that, there’s THIS rulemaking, to establish procedure for federal review of transmission proposals. I was reminded of this rulemaking thanks to a DOE Grid Deployment Office email, so here’s a reminder for all of you!

There was a webinar a couple weeks ago, I did participate, got nominal comments in, but this needs serious work on detailed well-founded comments. From the DOE page:

DOE is now seeking public comment and feedback on the proposed CITAP Program via a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Comments must be received by11:59 p.m. ET on October 2, 2023.

Really, READ THIS and get to work:

Court Dates – Trump’s legal mess – thanks to “Just Security” post:

September 18, 2023GA (Clark): Removal evidentiary hearingGA (Still): Removal evidentiary hearing
September 20, 2023GA (Latham): Removal evidentiary hearing together with Shafer & GA (Shafer): Removal evidentiary hearing together with Latham
October 2, 2023NY Corporate Lawsuit: Trial begins
October 23, 2023GA (Chesebro): Trial begins
January 15, 2024 Carroll: Trial begins & Iowa Republican Presidential Caucuses
March 4, 2024DC Trump Case: Trial start date
March 5, 2024 – Super Tuesday Primaries
March 25, 2024 NY: Trial begins (The Hill)
May 20, 2024MAL: Trial begins
July 15-18, 2024 – Republican National Convention
November 5, 2024 – Election Day
December 17, 2024 – Electors cast votes
January 6, 2025 – Joint Session of Congress certification of presidential election
January 20, 2025 – Presidential inauguration