
From Randy – and thanks for the site cites!

Gee, do you think good ol’ Cariboo would appreciate it if the good
citizens of Red Wing realized that their coffee dollars were going to
the middle east?

The urban legends investigation site,, confirms the claim
that “An Islamic bank is the majority owner of the Caribou Coffee
chain.” You can see their report here
(Be sure when you read the report that you read the whole report as
the claim shown at the top of the page is outdated.)

The corporate information publisher, Hoovers, a Dun and Bradstreet
company, reports that “Bahrain-based investment group Arcapita owns
60% of Caribou Coffee.” Here’s that report!

Your oil money at work!

Cariboo is publically traded on the NASDAQ. That means your pension
funds and 401Ks are putting up the money that is used by Cariboo to
compete with local merchants who have to put up their own money, take
out a second mortgage or take out a bank loan in order to finance
their business. They essentially have a loan from just about everyone
that they never have to pay back and that they never have to pay
interest on.

Is it any wonder that local businesses find it hard to

Here’s the NASDAQ Caribou poop

Here’s a report showing the top 5 owners of Caribou

Here’s their filings. 10-Q? 10-4!


Carpe CARP

There’s a new Caribou Coffee in town, just opened this week in the old depot downtown, and they’ve been tossing out Red Wing’s “little paper that does” and one thing we all know about the CARP is you can’t throw it back!


Here’s the missive that appeared at CARP HQ:

—– Original Message —–

From: 1186 RED WING


Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 7:00 AM

Subject: carp

Hi, we thank you or your carriers for dropping off your newspaper at our Caribou Red Wing store, however, we only can have Corporate approved publications at our store. Please pass this information along to who ever is dropping off the Carp at our store.

Thank you for your understanding.

Valerie Brigham, Manager
#1186 Caribou Coffee
Red Wing, Mn 55066

CARIBOU logo.gif

… sigh… It’s presumptive and dismissive — no information was provided about the parameters of their policy, no contact information for the corporate decision-maker. Now, that’s not very good PR for the new biz in town, eh? Here we all are, trying to save the Caribou in ANWR, and they demonstrate no gratitude whatsoever when they come to our home? I have a few ideas… oh-oh… who’s their corporate counsel???

Caribou ANWR 2.jpg
