Chronically wasted deer numbers “soaring”
January 1st, 2025
In the StarTribune today:
Soaring CWD numbers in southeastern Minnesota prompt DNR to stop culling deer
Here’s the STrib’s map below — this map might be from just this year’s testing?
I’ve been tracking chronic wasting disease in deer for a while, right up there with bovine spungiform encephalophy (BSE, “mad cow”) sheep scrapie, even in pigs, and of course Creutzfeld-Jakob in humans (ages ago, it was also Jakob-Creutzfeld). This came to my attention in the late 1990s, when a swimming coach at Northfield high school died of Jakob-Creutzfeld.
- Of mad cows and pissy deer… September 15, 2005
- Downer cows = Mad Cow disease? February 11th, 2008
- Mad Cow Beef & MN Dept of Education February 11th, 2008
- They’re actually saying “MAD COW” February 19th, 2008
- Creutzfeld-Jakob variant – 4th declared case June 6th, 2014
- More CWD (chronically wasted deer) in MN December 30th, 2016
And then there’s all the elk at Elk Run:
Sharpshooters begin destroying elk herd
What does CWD mean to Elk Run development?
From, a detailed source of info which seems up to date:
Preliminary Test Identifies CWD-Positive Wild Deer in Southeast Minnesota
MN – News release: CWD confirmed in a wild deer near Wheaton in western Minnesota
Here’s the map:
And reason for concern among hunters: