Remember the recent Department of Homeland Security invasion of Portland, and threats of invasions of so many other cities recently? Turns out that yes, Wolf and Cuccinelli were not legally calling the shots at DHS! From the report, “the subsequent appointments of Under Secretary for Strategy, Policy, and Plans, Chad Wolf and Principal Deputy Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Ken Cuccinelli were also improper because they relied on an amended designation made by Mr. McAleenan.”

It’s official, the GAO report is out:

Is this a hoot or what!!! Now, get rid of them! Note that regarding their improper appointment, it’s being forwarded to Inspector General, to determine who should be serving and CONSEQUENCES for their actions!

Here’s the caveat about the charge to GAO and their forwarding this mess to the Inspector General:

We have only been asked to address the designation of Messers. Wolf and Cuccinelli, so we do not otherwise address the consequences of any official’s improper service. We are referring that question to the DHS Inspector General for his review. In that regard, we are aware that certain actions taken by Acting Secretary Wolf and his authority to take them are currently the subject of litigation. See, e.g. A.B-B v. Morgan, Docket No. 1:20-cv-0846 (D.D.C. 2020); Casa De Maryland v. Wolf, Docket No. 8:20-cv-02118 (D. Md. 2020); Don’t Shoot Portland v. Wolf, Docket No. 1:20-cv-02040 (D.D.C. 2020). We are also aware that in March, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that Mr. Cuccinnelli’s separate appointment as acting director of USCIS was illegal. See L.M.-M v. Cuccinelli, 442 F. Supp. 3d 1, 29 (D.D.C. 2020). That question was not before us.

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