With all this talk of Ukraine, and tRump going on and on about Hunter Biden and natural gas in Ukraine, isn’t a bit odd that there’s no talk of tRump and his administration’s dealings in natural gas in Ukraine?

Why has this been buried? Isn’t this the main reason for the Hunter Biden flap?

Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal

From the article:

But the effort to install a friendlier management team at the helm of the gas company, Naftogaz, would soon be taken up with Ukraine’s new president by U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, whose slate of candidates included a fellow Texan who is one of Perry’s past political donors.

It’s unclear if Perry’s attempts to replace board members at Naftogaz were coordinated with the Giuliani allies pushing for a similar outcome, and no one has alleged that there is criminal activity in any of these efforts. And it’s unclear what role, if any, Giuliani had in helping his clients push to get gas sales agreements with the state-owned company.

Trump’s fast-track for LNG by rail collides with LNG projects in Ukraine

And in Forbes on September 30, 2019:

LNG Is The American Aid Ukraine Really Needs

Note tRump’s energy policy isn’t about “independence,” it’s about “DOMINANCE!” Read it here, scroll on down to the very end… LNG!

American Energy Dominance

tRump at Cameron LNG:

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