Adam-Rogers-News8000-of-Alma-DerailmentPhoto from

And the good news is that it’s NOT Bakken BOOM! oil, only denatured alcohol and some empty car cars.  The evacuation has been lifted and people are returning.  The other good news is that this means they won’t be shipping on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi anytime soon, with the associated bad news that then they’ll be shipping through Red Wing more often.

Some good photos here:

NOTE: There’s a Minneapolis CARS message below regarding the November 10th Mpls. City Council meeting.

From News8000:

Emergency crews on scene of 32-car train derailment north of Alma

From KSTP 5:

Train Derails in Wisconsin, Prompting Voluntary Evacuation


Here’s the Minneapolis CARS (Citizens Acting for Rail Safety) message:

Nov 10th -- Attention Minneapolis residents: Support 
a Strong Rail Safety Resolution!

Hello CARS network, as we reported last month, the 
City of Minneapolis is preparing a rail safety 
resolution that will come before the Transportation 
and Public Works committee on November 10th. We are 
encouraged from conversations with City Council 
members that the resolution will be a great first 
step forward and that the resolution is likely to 
pass the committee and the City Council. There is 
also understanding that this will be a living 
document that will need updating as more information 
is available. It is important that the City Council 
hear from us to know that the community is supportive 
of this important work. 

There are two ways you can do this:

1) Mark your calendars to attend the Minneapolis City 
Council Transportation & Public Works Committee meeting 
next Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 9:30 am in the Council 
Chamber, Room 317 of City Hall. If you are able to 
attend, please let us know by replying to this email. 
Comments will not be allowed, but your presence will be 
important. Please also plan to stay for a brief press 
conference that is being organized for approximately 
11:30 am. As the media reports this important success, 
it is important that we have as many people in attendance 
as possible showing community support.

2) Contact your Minneapolis City Council member to 
thank them for supporting a strong rail safety 
resolution. Call or Email them with some version of 
the following message, sharing your own personal 
story of living near the rails if you are willing.

I am concerned about the risks that freight trains 
carrying crude oil, ethanol and other hazardous 
materials pose to my neighborhood. I thank the City 
for its leadership in supporting a strong Rail Safety 
Resolution that will protect Minneapolis.

Ward 1 - - (612)673-2201
Ward 2 - - (612)673-2202
Ward 3 - - (612)673-2203
Ward 4 - - (612)673-2204
Ward 5 - - (612)673-2205
Ward 6 - - (612)673-2206
Ward 7 - - (612)673-2207
Ward 8 - - (612)673-2208
Ward 9 - - (612)673-2209
Ward 10 - - (612)673-2210
Ward 11 - - (612)673-2211
Ward 12 - - (612)673-2212
Ward 13 - - (612)673-2213

Cars Contact Info:

Cathy Velasquez Eberhart
Citizens Acting for Rail Safety - Twin Cities

on Facebook at:


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