Once more with feeling?

June 29th, 2015


As Ed Berger said, “Tryin’ is lyin’ cuz if you were tryin’ you’d be doin’ it!” So now, it’s time to try, once more with feeling!


True, I’ll never be able to replace my Selmer VI.  Of all the things stolen while I was on my last trip before law school, which was pretty much everything I owned, the loss of my horn hurt the most of all.  That was the worst of the high price I paid to go to law school and that last run to try to make some dough… sigh… that sure didn’t work.  But Friday, driving around town, we stopped at a garage sale, and it was 50% off day.  I found a workable cheap horn, workable and utilitarian, certainly nothing like my Mark VI.  It has a leak somewhere in the low end but it’s an improvement on the others I’d found, ones that were way old, cool wall hangings but without that feel, not real playable, very old and creaky and leaky.  Wishful thinking, I’d scored a preowned Beechler S5S without deep tooth marks a while back, and I’m set up with a box of weak LaVozs.  I think this will be enough to let me know if my cracked teeth can handle this.


Whew, serious woodshed time!  Neighbors will probably shoot me!


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